JMH Living Design were engaged by Sutherland Shire Council to design a new rural fire station to enable Rural Fire Service volunteers to service and protect the local community and locality. The site, a standard suburban residential lot was required to accommodate facilities for the garaging of fire trucks and vehicles, facilities for the education and training of volunteer fire fighting personnel and integrate amenities for use by the RFS volunteers in day to day operations and in times of emergency including bushfires.
The fire station was designed to accommodate fire trucks, vehicles and amenities on the ground floor with office, kitchen, meeting and training facilities on the first floor. The levels are connected by both stairs and a lift making the station accessible for all.
The built outcome for the project has provided all the facilities the local Rural Fire Service personnel have required to effectively deliver services to the community. The meeting room facilities enable the education and training of RFS volunteers with adjoining kitchen facilities enabling use either as part of the meeting room facilities or in times of emergency where the kitchen can be used to cater for the requirements of RFS volunteers.
ProjectBundeena Rural Fire Station